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LABIMA Laboratorio di Ingegneria Marittima

Irene Simonetti


2022-PresentAssistant Professor (non-tenure track) (RTDa) at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (Florence University) 


Teaching Activities

Curriculum Vitae

2016-2021:  Post-Doctoral Research fellow - Dep. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), Florence University, with main research activities on structures, infrastructures and innovative devices for maritime and offshore engineering and development of Numerical Wave Tanks for simulating Oscillating Water Column devices.

2016: PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, discussing the thesis "Optimization of Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters - A Numerical Study". Final grade: Summa Cum Laude. Italian (Dottore di Ricerca) and German (Doktor Ingenieur) Ph.D. titles.

2012-2015: Joint PhD Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering – Florence University (Italy) & Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig (Germany), Joint Doctoral Program. International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering, XXVIII cycle.

2012: Laurea cum laude in Environmental Engineering - Ma.Sc. (University of Florence)

2009: Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering, Florence University, Italy.
Research Topics
Nearshore and Offshore Hydrodynamics, hydrodynamic modelling and development of digital twins of coastal basins (TWIN-COASTS project). Wave Energy Conversion technologies, with a focus on device optimization. CFD simulation of wave/coastal structure interaction with open source software (OpenFOAM). Numerical wave generation and Virtual wave flumes with CFD techniques. 
  • Best presentation of the session "Metrology in Marine Geology: Applications in Shallow and Deep waters" - IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, October 2019.
  • Best presentation at the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, for presenting the work titled “Assessing Water Exchange between sea and the Orbetello Lagoon (Italy) by Field Measurement and numerical simulations”, September 2018.
  • Best poster on the topic “Mare” at the  XXXVI National Conference of Hydraulics (IDRA), September 2018.








ultimo aggiornamento: 20-Giu-2024
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