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LABIMA Laboratorio di Ingegneria Marittima

Amanda Zannella


11/2023-present: PhD student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (XXXIX cycle), Florence University, Italy.

Topic: Adaptation of coastal defenses in climate change scenarios. 

Supervisors: Professor Lorenzo Cappietti (UNIFI), Irene Simonetti (UNIFI).

 Co-supervisors: --

Curriculum Vitae

2022-2023: Research fellow at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (Florence University)

2020-2022:  Master Degree in Geoengineering cum laude (Florence University, Italy). Internship with AM3 spin-off, Laboratory Assistant. Thesis: Experimental Study of the coastal defense system in Marina di Pisa, Tuscany, Italy.

2017-2018: Bachelor Degree of Art in Global Development Studies (Western University, London ON, Canada)

2013 - 2017: Bachelor Degree in Structural Engineering and International Development (Western University, London ON, Canada)

Research Topics

Gravel nourishment;
Nature based solutions for low-energy coastal areas;
Experimental modelling;
Coastal morphodynamis and hydrodynamics; 



ultimo aggiornamento: 20-Giu-2024
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