WECANet Round-Robin Testing Program - WECANet-RORO
Under the WECanet Network, an experimental and numerical Round Robin (RORO) testing program was proposed in the General Assembly, 2019, held in Porto (PT).
In order to design the execution and the outcomes of WECANet-RORO a joint steering committee, based on members from working groups 1 (numerical) and 2 (experimental) was formed and a First Group of participating infrastructures was formed.
This RORO testing program contributes to the WECANet activities under the tasks:
- Working Group 1, Task 1.4: Provide expertise through: i) Benchmark cases (numerical)
- Working Group 2: Task 2.5: Provide expertise through: i) Benchmark cases (experimental treatment)
The execution of the same experimental test program in different laboratories, where the same WEC laboratory-scale model is tested according to the same experimental procedure, seems the most viable methodology to:
- assess the goodness of the laboratory measurements;
- develop a reliable experimental database for validation of numerical models used by researchers worldwide.
The participation of experimental Infrastructures in the WECANet-RORO is at voluntary base. The participating infrastructures offer at least two weeks of free access (no dedicated budget is provided). WECANet Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) projects in the framework of WECANet-RORO can be proposed and, if approved, travel and subsistence costs for participating in laboratory experiments can be reimbursed.
Infrastructure managers can propose their infrastructures for participating WECANet-RORO:
Inventory of WECANet experimental facilities, wave-flumes or wave basins
Moreover, the execution of the same numerical test program by means of different numerical models where the same experimental database is used according to the same procedure, seems the most viable methodology to:
- assess the capabilities of different numerical models
- identify lacks and guidelines for models use.
Groups developing numerical infrastructures or numerical models can propose their participation in WECANet-RORO:
Inventory of WECANet numerical infrastrucures