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LABIMA Laboratorio di Ingegneria Marittima

Hands-on course on experimental and numerical modelling of wave-structure interaction

Florence, School of Engineering, 12-14 July 2022 

The Training School aims at providing a basic introduction to experimental and numerical modelling approaches for simulating wave-structure interactions.  Experimental modelling will be performed in a physical wave flume, while numerical modelling will be performed in a virtual wave flume.

The Training School has a duration of 3 days, with 6 hours of training per day, and it is going to be held in Florence (Italy) by using LABIMA-WCF1 wave-current flume and the DualSPHysics Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) software package. The first day will include lectures on laboratory tests on test practice, fundamentals of wave energy conversion, and an introduction to DualSPHysics SPH open-source code. The second and third days will alternate theory and practical sessions. The Training School is designed for those interested in developing numerical and experimental modelling techniques of Wave Energy Converters.



ultimo aggiornamento: 01-Lug-2022
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