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LABIMA Laboratorio di Ingegneria Marittima



Topic Tutors Description
Laboratory experiments on an artificial dune for coastal protection

Prof L. Cappietti

Dr. L. Cipriani, Tuscany Region Administration 

The student will participate in the laboratory study based on a physical model of an artificial dune proposed by the Tuscany Region for adaptation to climate change for the defense of the Sterpaia Coastal Park as part of the European project

Coastal Dynamics

Prof. Cappietti

Ing. I. Simonetti

The student carries out a study or a project on a specific topic for which coastal dynamics plays a fundamental role.


Marine Renewable Energy harvesting

Prof. Cappietti

Ing. I. Simonetti


The student carries out a wave energy resource quantification or a specific study on a wave energy conversion device.

Climate changes and Coastal protection Prof. Cappietti

Ing. I. Simonetti

A study on the effects of climate change and the related needs for new strategies and structures for the protection of the coast.


Very Large Floating Structures Prof. Cappietti

Ing. I. Simonetti

A study of the engineering aspects related to the design of very large floating structures for industrial plants and urban areas.


Development of a numerical wave flume based on Computational Fluid Dynamics Prof. Cappietti

Ing. I. Simonetti

Assisted learning of the Computational Fluid Dynamics software package OpenFOAM. Development of a numerical wave tank and application to the study of maritime structures and/or wave hydrodynamics.




ultimo aggiornamento: 08-Apr-2024
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