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LABIMA Laboratorio di Ingegneria Marittima

Wave-Current Flume Three

Name of the Facility: DICEA-UNIFI Wave-Current Flume Three (WCF3)

Operator: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), University of Florence


Installation Features

Wave-Current Flume Three (WCF3) of LABIMA has been fully designed by LABIMA Team. 

The wave flume has the following characteristics:

  • 20 m long, 0.4 m wide, 0.4 m deep.
  • Generation of wave motion by a piston-type wave maker, fully designed by LABIMA TEAM.
  • Monochromatic and random seas generation up to 0.30 m height in deep section. 
  • Maximum wave height up to 0.15 m.
  • Bi-directional recirculation system with a maximum flow rate of 50 l/s.
  • Wave-Maker Control and data acquisition: NI LabView, MatLab.
  • Main instruments: resistive wave gauges, acoustic water surface level gages, load cells, pressure transducers, acoustic doppler current profiler, electromagnetic flow meter, digital video cameras, fast camera, 6DoF video tacking system.
ultimo aggiornamento: 27-Ago-2020
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